About me

I am a second year Deep Learning Ph.D. student at CY Cergy Paris, France University funded by EUTOPIA co-tutelle programme with the Ljubljana University, Slovenia. I am supervised by Prof. Prof. Dr. Peter Peer & Prof. Dr. Vassilis Christophides with the co-supervision of Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vitomir Štruc & Assoc. Prof. Dr. Son Vu.

I am mainly doing research on Deepfake detection. My main goal is to improve the generalization of forgery detection methods to new datasets and new types of forgery. I am interested in the application of self-supervised learning in the field of computer vision. Application wise, I hope that my research will help to improve forgery detection in the wild.

Before joining the Ph.D., I received my undergraduate degree in engineering from ENSEA, École nationale supérieure de l’électronique et de ses applications.


  • [New preprint]: We framed Forgery Detection as a One Class Out Of Distribution problem. We wrote a paper summarizing our findings. Find the paper soon.
